Manna House
About The Manna House
While the people of Israel wandered in the Wilderness heading toward the Promised Land, God provided for there every need. Each day when the dew had settled, there would be Manna for them to eat (Exodus 16). Similarly, Jesus also provided meals for those around him. While crowds gathered to hear him preach, Jesus fed a great multitude so they could remain and be instructed (Matt. 14).
God does not only provide for our spiritual needs, He continuously provides for our physical needs as well. It is with this understanding of God's care of people, Cottondale UMC started the Manna House program.
Cottondale UMC's Manna House is a program providing dry goods for families who are in need. Manna House is an affiliate program of the West Alabama Food Bank.
If you would like to donate to Manna House, simply come by the church or call the church office.
The Manna House is open every Third Saturday from 9:00 AM until 11 A.M.